Welcome to the Unisys Global Logistics Development (D05BIS on USSLCSHP589VM) System

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In every corner of the world, laws exist requiring organizations to have appropriate safeguards in place to protect personal data that can be used to identify or provide information about individuals. Besides the legal aspects, privacy standards are also good business. Employees, customers, suppliers and others want to know that Unisys is serious about taking care of their personal data.

Unisys handles personal data itself as well as in the course of providing services for its customers, so the proper handling of personal data is a business, as well as legal, issue. Privacy also presents us with business opportunities to assist customers with managing their privacy needs.

It’s up to you to do your part to make Unisys a success by handling personal data in the right way. As the old saying goes: “When you do the right thing, good things happen.” Take the first steps by reviewing the Global Privacy Policy on Personal Data, familiarizing yourself with the personal data that you handle and apply the training you receive on a daily basis. Think about how you can improve your business processes to increase the protection of the personal data that you handle and improve Unisys opportunities to win in the marketplace by building customer trust and confidence in Unisys ability to properly handle customer personal data.